Please, Thank You, Smiles, Kindness, and Patience
Be kind. It’s not the fault of the person standing behind the check-in desk that your ticket doesn’t match your passport or license. It’s not the TSA’s fault that many travelers do not follow the liquid rule. It’s not the flight attendant’s fault your flight is delayed.
You need to pay attention to what you must do to be prepared for your journey so you don’t slow things down. If staying at a resort or hotel, remember they are working and not at home with their family and friends. Just be kind!
Smile and say hello to your flight attendant. Smile and be kind to the parent trying to calm their child. Play peek-a-boo with the baby squirming on their parent’s lap. Bring extra snacks.
Know what you need to do to make holiday travel less stressful. Listen to what your travel agent tells you.
Pack your patience and thank your travel agent for ensuring your travels go as smoothly as possible.